martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

Alfonso's Movie paintings

En esta visita a Madrid me he quedado impresionado por el trabajo de Alfonso. Alfonso es un viejo amigo de la infancia... El y la familia se han dedicado a ilustrar las marquesinas de los cines del centro de Madrid... Su trabajo es impresionante, tener en cuenta ademas del detalle, el tamanio que tienen esos carteles.

Por si fuera poco, Alfonso tambien compone musica, asi que todo este video esta realizado con sus obras :).

Impresionante Artista...

I promised to Wayne, next entry on the blog was going to be translated, so here it goes.. (I'm man of his word as you see)

During this last visit to Madrid I was truly impressed by Alfonso´s work. Alfonso is an old chap from old days when I was young (and there was still hope)... He and his family have been involved with painting movie posters for cinemas marquees since quite a lot of timel. His work is really impressive, bear in mind the size of the paintings and the details... really amazing

Furthermore, Alfonso does not only paint but also compose music, so all the contents of this video are his creations...

Impressive artist :)